Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Ibf-D1 Iodine binding factor 5DL[1870]
Per-B4 Per2[3599] Peroxidase PER-4 4A,4AL[1870]
Tri-A1 Triplet proteins 1AS[3599]
b-Amy-D1 b-amylase 4DL[3599]
Yf4 Yellow flour Triticum[625]
W2a Glaucousness/waxiness/glossiness TR.TA[3599]
Glu-D1au Allele encoding HMW subunits of glutenin 1DL[3599] T.tauschii[1870]
Lr2 Reaction to Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. 1B,2DS[3599]
Gpi-Sl1 Glucose phosphate isomerase 1Sl,1SlS[1870] Ae.longissima[1870]
Gli-A1 Gld-1A[3599] Gliadin 1AS[3599]
Vp-1B Vp-B1[3599] Dormancy Seed. Vivipary 3BL[3599]
Amp-B1 Aminopeptidase 6BS[3599]
SsI-D1 Starch synthase I proteins 7D[3599]
Gli-A2(d) Gliadin 6AS[3599]
apd1 Apical lethality
Glu-D1af Allele encoding HMW subunits of glutenin 1DL[3599] T.tauschii[1870]
Yr42 Reaction to Puccinia striiformis Westend. 6A=T6AL-6AenL.6AenS[3629] Ae.neglecta[3629]
SbeII Starch branching enzyme II
Gli-A1(d) Gliadin 1AS[1264] Gli-A1(d) - Hg;recombination= 0.96;Se=0.65[1264]
Ndh-B3 NADH dehydrogenase Ndh-3 3BL[1870]