Last update : 2017-01-09

Gene List

Symbol Synonym Name Local Linkage Origin Tester
Glu-D1-1q X-type glutenins 1DL[3599] TR.TA[3599]
Gbx1 Gbx[3599] Reaction to Schizaphis graminum Rond.(Toxoptera graminum Rond.) 7DL[3599] TR.TA[3599] TA-1695;KS-89-WGRC-4[3599].
Stb5 Reaction to Mycosphaerella graminicola (Septoria tritici blotch) 7DS[3599] TR.TA[3599] Sears Synthetic,TR.TA No.37-1,Bezostaya-1,Hereward,Vivant[3599].
W2a Glaucousness/waxiness/glossiness TR.TA[3599]
H23 Reaction to Mayetiola destructor (Say)(Phytophaga destructor)(Say) 6D,6DL,6DS[1870] TR.TA[3599] KS-89-WGRC-3,PI-535766,TA-1642[1870]
Snb3 Reaction to Phaeosphaeria nodorum (Septoria nodorum blotch) 5DL[1870] TR.TA[3599] SUL: CS*/(5D)Synthetic; Synthetic[1870]
H26 Reaction to Mayetiola destructor (Say) 4D,3DL[3599] TR.TA[3599] KS-92-WGRC-26;SW-8; TR.TA: TA-2473[1870]
Glu-D1-1p X-type glutenins 1DL[3599] TR.TA[3599]
Glu-D1-1r X-type glutenins 1DL[3599] TR.TA[3599]
Acph-D2 Acph1[3599] Acid phosphatase 2DL[3599] TR.TA[3599]
Pina-D1e Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[3599] Tr.tauschii[3599] TA-2458,TA-2495[3599].
Pina-D1f Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[3599] Tr.tauschii[3599] TA-2436[3599].
Pina-D1o Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[3599] Tr.tauschii[3599] RM-0182[3599].
Pina-D1g Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[3599] Tr.tauschii[3599]. TA-1583[3599]
Pina-D1d Puroindolines and grain softness protein 5DS[3599] Tr.tauschii[3599]. PI-452131,TA-1649[3599].
Gb4 Reaction to Schizaphis graminum Rond.(Toxoptera graminum Rond.) 7DL[3599] Gb3[3599] Tr.taushii[2779]. CI-17959[1870].
Gb3 Reaction to Schizaphis graminum Rond.(Toxoptera graminum Rond.) 7D,7DL[2908] Tr.taushii[2779]. Largo(CI-17895),TAM-110,TXGBE-373[2908].
Lr50 Reaction to Puccinia recondita Rob.ex Desm. 2BL[2884][3599] TR.TI,subsp.armeniacum[2884]. KS-96-WGRC-36,TA-870,TA-874[2884]
Skdh-Ss1 Shikimate dehydrogenase 5Ss[1870] T.searsii[1870] ADL: CS/T.searsii[1870]
Gpi-Ss1 Glucose phosphate isomerase 1Ss[1870] T.searsii[1870] ADL:CS/T.searsii[1870]